11 January 2021

Windows 10 Security Checklist

Windows 10 Security

Taking the time to write down an effective security plan for your home network will keep your security budget low. With it you’re able to spot potential leaks in security, secure your home network Wi-Fi and powerline adapter technologies and ensure digital peace of mind.

Router Check – Make sure that your router’s admin password and access passwords are in a secure, unviewable place. So visitors can’t see them when they come into your home.

Wi-Fi Security Check – Log in to your router and check that the Wi-Fi is using WPS2. Check also the currently attached devices for any anomalies. If you use any other form of router security, double check it’s still functioning as updates can reset routers.

Wireless Positioning Check – Using a Wi-Fi analyser on your phone or tablet, measure the impact of the wireless signal from the router. If it’s reaching out into the street and not so much the rear of the house, then consider moving it. Keep an eye on the signal power and weak locations.

OS Update Check – Check for any operating system updates on all the computers and Windows mobile devices that connect to the home network.

Security Suite Update Check – Run a similar update check on any antivirus clients, VPN clients and other third-party security programs and applications.

Program and App Update Check – Run any update checks on frequently used programs and applications. After that, run as many updates on other installed programs on all your computers.

Installed Rogue Program and App Check – Check each computer on the network for its list of installed programs. If there’s anything in there that doesn’t look right, research it and remove it if necessary. Make a note of the programs installed (as a screen shot or physical note) and compare them with each frequent check.

Password Reset Check – Set a regular, usually 30-day, password reset. Each individual user should be able to reset all their passwords for every site they visit and make sure that the passwords they’re using are strong. Use a password manager and password generator if needed.

Firewall Integrity Check – Check that the firewall on each computer, and potentially any devices, is up and running and that there are no rogue programs within the inbound and outbound rules set.

Back up Important Files – Make sure that each computer and device is regularly backed up. We’ll cover how to effectively back up a Windows 10 computer on later pages. Back up important documents and keep the backup copy somewhere safe; consider purchasing a fireproof safe.

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